
Showing posts from December, 2024

Two Lambs

Once upon a herd, two lambs grazed. One younger, both innocent, unscathed. The Shepard watches carefully over his flock, Having to keep the two lambs apart.   The older scorns and kicks the younger, Mocks and punches taints her plunder. Then the elder runs off to die, Guilt eating away along with the monster inside.    The mother pulls her back, yet fighting remains,  There is no peace to this very day. The younger tries to walk by the Shepard,  While the elder begs her to run.   The younger is safe there, the elder with wolves, The mother behind the younger,  Between the two little fighting foals,  The Shepard watches the eldest run.   You were a lamb with such perfect wool, Nobody could see the boils on your soul, The festering sores under your skin, Creeping deeper until the pain snuck in.   You were an innocent child I thought I could trust.  You were a peaceful person I thought was just. You were older, wiser, you supposedly knew more, And ye...